Gifts in Honor or in Celebration (2017 to Present)

Here is a list of gifts made in honor or recognition from 2017 on. Donor names are indicated in parentheses. For a list of gifts in honor or in celebration made prior to 2017, please click here.

  • Ron and Norma Agress’ 65th wedding anniversary (yes, 65 years!) (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2019)
  • Bert and Irene Alpert on the occasion of their 50th anniversary  (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2019)
  • Lillian Alpert (SGF Trustee), in honor of her 101st birthday! (Elaine Alpert and Bill Marsh, Jesse Math and Cat Toren, Rosie Math and Grant Jackson, Carole and Rick Saccullo, Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, Scott and Kitty Stettner, Charlene Trenk, 2018 and 2019)
  • Lil Alpert – happy 106th birthday – wow!! (Elaine Alpert and Bill Marsh, Evelyn Amrhein, Lynnie and Mark Eisenberg, Carol Kirschner, Jill Rosenthal, Jonathan and Rebecca Somers, Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, Scott and Kitty Stettner, 2023)
  • Max Alpert, in honor of him becoming a bar mitzvah (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2023)
  • Joan and Irwin Berger, in celebration of the birth of Emma (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2021)
  • Joan and Irwin Berger, in celebration of the birth of Riley (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2019)
  • Veronica Boure (Erica Streit-Kaplan, 2017)
  • Happy Birthday to Leonora Chertoff (Lillian Alpert, Elaine Alpert and Bill Marsh, Shirley Salshutz, Charlene Trenk, Molly Wilensky, 2018)
  • Wendy and Ed Cohen, in celebration of Wendy’s 70th birthday and Wendy & Ed’s 30th anniversary (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2019)
  • In honor of Jerry Cooper’s birthday (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2017)
  • In honor of Lois Cooper, with best wishes for a complete recovery (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2021)
  • In honor of Barbi Doll’s birthday (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2017)
  • In joyous celebration of the birth of Sivan Zvia Flaherty!!!! (Elaine Alpert and Bill Marsh, 2020)
  • Mel Garfinkle. “With heartfelt gratitude for your extraordinary generosity, your warmth, and your graciousness. I am blessed to know you. Thank you, Mel, for everything.” (Ellen Stettner, 2020)
  • In honor of the upcoming marriage of David Ginley and Mindy Nitkin (Jo-Anne Wyndham and Jeff Kaufman, 2019)
  • With very, very great love on the occasion of Riley Stephen’s birth! (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2018)
  • For Denise Goldman, with loving wishes for a complete and speedy recovery  (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2019)
  • Kathy Goldstein (Gerald E. Frug, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
  • In the name of, and as an appreciation for, Kathy Goldstein of the Harvard Law School (Gerald E. Frug, 2018)
  • In celebration of Kathy Goldstein (Gerald. E. Frug, 2019, 2020, 2021)
  • In honor of Nancy Gooze’s 70th birthday  (Ellen Stettner, 2018)
  • Caryn Harris, for r’fuah shleimah – a complete recovery (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2021)
  • In honor of true hero Matt Harris’ birthday (Elaine Alpert and Bill Marsh, 2021)
  • In honor of Barry Hirsch with best wishes for a complete recovery (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2021)
  • In celebration of Aleza Horowitz’s achievement of a Master’s degree in Social Work (Ellen Settner, 2021)
  • In honor of Grant Jackson and Rosie Math for Chanukah (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2020)
  • Professor Jim “Jake” Jacobson for his 50 years of dedicated service to St. Peter’s University (Jay Garrels and Alison Furman, 2017)
  • In celebration of the birth of Eva Joseph (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2017)
  • In celebration of the birth of Lilah Joseph (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2021)
  • Happy Chanukah in honor of Ron Kane (Ellen Stettner, 2022)
  • Eleanor Kaplan (Kristina Vargas 2017)
  • In honor of Ralph Kassie’s 70th birthday (Ron Kane and Ellen Stettner, 2018)
  • In honor of the upcoming marriage of Nate Kaufman and Jaya Mathur (Jeff Kaufman and Jo-Anne Wyndham, 2019)
  • Ronnie Landau and Harvey Paulvin, in honor of their marriage (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2017)
  • Happy Birthday to Sammy! (Eleanor and her parents Erica Streit-Kaplan and James Kaplan, 2018)
  • With very, very great love on the occasion of Diego Stephen’s birth! (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2018)
  • In honor of Diego! (Ruth Sharpe and Roy Bellush, 2018)
  • In celebration of the marriage of Kevin Manning and Karen Ramiree (Jeff and Judith Wisnia, 2017)
  • In joyous celebration of Leyna Fay Math’s birth (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2023)
  • In celebration of the birth of Naomi Dora Math (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, Elaine Alpert and Bill Marsh, 2020)
  • In honor of Jesse Math, Cat Toren, and Naomi Dora Math for Chanukah (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2020)
  • Arlene Perlman, for a complete and speedy recovery (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2019)
  • Harvey Polly’s 90th birthday (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2018)
  • Harvey and Teri Polly’s second anniversary (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2018)
  • Alek Reynolds (Cris Nelson, 2020)
  • In honor of Rebecca Somer’s birthday (Rochelle and Herbert Somer, Elaine Alpert and Bill Marsh, 2021)
  • Rebecca and Jonathan Somer, in celebration of the birth of Bear (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, Elaine Alpert and Bill Marsh, 2019)
  • In honor of Al, Wendy, and Daniel Stettner (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2017)
  • In honor of Al and Wendy Stettner for Chanukah and Christmas (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2018, 2020, 2022)
  • Celebrating Ellen Stettner’s milestone birthday (Karen Kessler, Carol Sauer, Ellen Stepman, 2025)
  • In honor of Scott and Kitty Stettner for Chanukah and Christmas (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2018, 2020, 2022)
  • In honor of Meika and Will Thomas’ wedding (Ellen Stettner, 2024)
  • With thanks to Beverlee Vidoli (Jeff and Judy Wisnia, 2017)
  • Happy Birthday to Molly Wilensky (Lillian Alpert, Charlene Trenk, the Mitnick and Weingarten family, 2018)
  • Celebrating the birth of Alex Wisnia (Judith and Jeffry Wisnia, 2019)
  • In celebration of the marriage of Ben Wisnia and Kristen Porfido (Jeff and Judy Wisnia, 2017)
  • In celebration of Cantor David Wisnia’s 94th birthday (Jeffry and Judith Wisnia, 2020)
  • Wishing longtime SGF supporter Jeff Wisnia a full and speedy recovery (Elaine Alpert and Bill Marsh, 2021)
  • In honor of Judith Wisnia (Schools for Children, 2018)
  • Julie Wisnia, celebrating her first Pan Mass Challenge bike ride  (Jeff and Judith Wisnia, 2018)
  • Happy 90th birthday to Arthur Wolfson (Jeff Kaufman and Jo-Anne Wyndham, 2018)
  • Ari Wong, in honor of becoming a Bar Mitzvah (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2024)
  • Jonah Wong, in honor of becoming a Bar Mitzvah (Ellen Stettner and Ron Kane, 2024)
  • Jo-Anne Wyndham, for your tremendous heart and generosity (and for a speedy recovery) (Elaine Alpert and Bill Marsh, 2017)